Four of our dedicated Harbour Police Officers received the Queen Elizabeth II, Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (LSGC).

Sergeant Matt Smith, Police Constables Adrian Berryman, Jason Bartlett and Mark Savage were presented with their medals which reflects 20+ years of meritorious police service (or combined Military/Police service).

On top of this thirteen Harbour Police officers already in receipt of the LSGC medal also received the “clasp” representing 30+ years police service (or combined Military/Police service).

Mick Jackson, Chief Officer at Teesport said:
“The Harbour Police are proud to recognise these achievements, and the officers should be congratulated for their dedication to policing and upholding the high standards rightly expected of them by colleagues, associated tenants, and stakeholders and the wider public they occasionally serve.”

As statutory harbour authority PD Ports operates a dedicated Harbour Police Unit whose jurisdiction covers the entire Teesport and Hartlepool maritime complex.

The team works to detect and reduce levels of crime across the maritime complex. Using traditional policing methods such as high visibility patrols coupled with good local knowledge and a detailed understanding of how businesses across Teesport operate, the Harbour Police work effectively to control any potential incidents with little to no effect on operations.

The Harbour Police work collaboratively with other local law enforcement agencies, such as Cleveland Police, Border Force, Fire and Rescue Services, British Transport Police and the Coastguard/RNLI , with arrangements in place to offer support and mutual assistance as well as pooling of resources and equipment should the need arise.

For more information on our dedicated Harbour Police Unit visit: